Like any enterprise, not all shopping internet sites experience the same level of success. While some are prospering, enticing countless sales each day, others strain to even obtain regular web traffic. What then divides the successes and the have nots? The answer can be found in the level to which a shopping web site is optimised for conversions.
Defining Conversions
In website design, conversions describe the conclusion of any kind of objective targeted on the website. For e-commerce internet sites, this would generally mean an online sale. Nevertheless, this need not be the case on other websites which might want for a person to complete viewing a specific video or to complete a query form.
In our experience as web designers and online marketers, conversions do not happen randomly and are the result of an efficiently developed customer journey. In this article, we shall be covering the design features, philosophies or elements to observe in order to develop a conversion optimized e-commerce web design.
Catering to User Comforts
Positioning Best Practices
Most successful e-commerce sites have common design features and layouts. These are effective at providing a familiar shopping experience for users. In doing so, there are less distractions and users can quickly go about finding what they need.
An example would be the adhering to placements:
- Brand logo on the top left or centre
- Hamburger icon on the top right
- Add to cart button in a different colour positioned next to or beneath the item picture
- Several product preview options
- Item specs found in line with add to cart option
Cross Selling & Up Selling
If you are familiar with general business marketing terms, then you should be no stranger to cross selling and up selling. Your e-commerce website is a fantastic opportunity to perform these two functions once users have actually viewed or added products to cart. Typically, e-commerce websites place complimentary or premium versions of their products beneath a product’s listing.
In doing so, before the user clicks on the add to cart or checkout buttons, they would have seen suggestions from your website to them. Another add on that can be incorporated would be to have a module that shows what “other users also bought”. As proven in many studies, as humans, we are social creatures that are influenced by the actions of others. By having this feature, people will be tempted to follow others in hope of attaining a similar perceived value.
Partnering with a PSG Grant Approved Agency
Are you interested to have these design features for your e-commerce website created by an agency at an affordable cost? If so, why not try searching for a PSG approved vendor? The Productivity Solutions Grant is offered by the Singapore government in order to help SMEs to digitise their business. Under this scheme, you could get up to 80% of your e-commerce development cost subsidised.